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Tutti i filmati di Public Domain

Totale: 1091

Bank alarm

An investigator tries to find a gang responsible for a series of bank robberies thus jeopardizing his sister, the girlfriend of the gang's ringleader. Bank alarm is a 1937 American film directed by Louis J. Gasnier.

Battaglie negli spazi stellari

1977L'astronave del comandante Hamilton viaggia nello spazio seguendo latraccia di misteriosi segnali inviati sulla Terra da una remota galassia.Raggiunto un pianeta sconosciuto, i terrestri scoprono l'esistenza di unpopolo costretto a vivere in gallerie sotterranee per difendersi dal regimedi terrore instaurato da un potentissimo cervello elettronico sfuggito alloro controllo. Gli uomini comprendono che gli extraterrestri sono vittimedi un avanzatissimo progresso tecnologico che si è ritorto contro di loro,rendendoli schiavi delle macchine da loro stessi create. ... continua

Battle of the Worlds

1961 - Genre: Sci-Fi
Directed by: Antonio Margheriti
Writing credits: Ennio De Concini
A stray planet on a collision course with Earth instead takes orbit around our blue marble. What seems like a dead planet suddenly launches a fleet of flying saucers which attack our space fleets.
Complete credited cast:
Claude RainsBill CarterUmberto OrsiniMaya BrentJacqueline DervalRenzo PalmerCarlo D'AngeloCarol DanellJim DolenJoe PolliniJohn StacyAldo D'AmbrosioMassimo RighiGiuliano Gemma
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Battleship Potemkin

Battleship Potemkin, sometimes rendered as Battleship Potyomkin, is a 1925 silent film directed by Sergei Eisenstein and produced by Mosfilm. It presents a dramatized version of the mutiny that occurred in 1905 when the crew of the Russian battleship Potemkin rebelled against their officers of the Tsarist regime. Battleship Potemkin has been called one of the most influential propaganda films of all time, and was named the List of films considered the best at the Expo 58 in 1958.

Beast of Yucca Flats

1961 - Genre: Horror / Sci-Fi
Directed by: Coleman Francis
Writing credits: Coleman Francis
A defecting Russian scientist is transformed by an atomic test into a hulking monster, Tor Johnson, of course. Not much else except some people are killed, boys get lost, and a rabbit sniffs Tor's corpse. (This film was used for Mystery Science Theater 3000.)
Complete credited cast:
Douglas MellorBarbara FrancisBing StaffordLarry AtenLinda BielemaRonald FrancisAlan FrancisAnthony CardozaBob LabansatJim OliphantJohn MorrisonEric TomlinJim MilesGeorge PrinceConrad ... continua

Beat the devil (plus fort que le diable)

Beat the Devil is a 1953 film directed by John Huston. The screenplay was by Huston and Truman Capote, loosely based upon a novel of the same name by British journalist Claud Cockburn, writing under the pseudonym James Helvick. It is a parody of Huston's The Maltese Falcon (1941 film) and films of the same genre.

Behind the screen

The film takes place in a movie studio. A stagehand named David (Chaplin) has a supervisor, Goliath (Campbell). Much of the film is slapstick comedy involving Chaplin manhandling large props, but other plotlines include a strike action by the stagehands, and Purviance, who is unable to become an actress, dressing as a man and becoming a stagehand. Image:Kissing a girl.

Bells of San Angelo

1947Gridley estrae argento da una vecchia miniera messicana e lo porta illegalmente negli Sati Uniti attraverso un passaggio presente nella sua miniera. La guardia di confine Rogers, che ha dei sospetti su di lui, dopo aver scoperto il passaggio segreto della miniera chiama in suo aiuto Lee Madison, ma questa viene rapita da Gridley…Visita il sito: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Beneath the 12-Mile Reef

1953 - Genre: Adventure Cast:
Robert WagnerTerry MooreGilbert RolandJ. Carrol Naish
Directed by: Robert D. Webb
Writing credits: A.I. Bezzerides
Mike and Tony Petrakis are a Greek father and son team who dive for sponges off the coast of Florida. After they are robbed by crooks, Arnold and the Rhys brothers, Mike decides to take his men to the dangerous 12-mile reef to dive for more sponges. Mike suffers a fatal accident when he falls from the reef leaving Tony to carry on the business. But now he has a companion, Gwyneth Rhys.
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Bertha - Marriage Wows

Genre: Animation Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com